Milos Forman

Guest at NFF 2008
Despite the tragic events that have marked its existence, Milos Forman will be eternally remembered as one of the greatest celebrator of life. With deep humanity and a pinch of sarcasm, forwarded to its film the native enthusiasm and the desire for knowledge that characterizes so much. His specialty is certainly that of transplanted on film biographies of "heroes" most extravagant and discussed.


2008 - Amarillo Slim
 2006 - Goya's Ghosts
1999 - Man on the moon
1996 - The People vs. Larry Flynt
1989 - Valmont
1984 - Amadeus - Director's cut
1981 - Ragtime
1979 - Hair
1975 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1971 - Taking Off
1967 - The Firemen's Ball
1965 – loves of a Blonde
1964 – Black Peter
1963 – Audition



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