Ambrogio Crespi

Ambrogio Crespi

Milan, 19/01/1970. A former Vice Chairman of Alto Verbano, the company of the Pozzetti family – where he developed film and television projects – and Director of the Timing film project (Geo&Geo for Rai). He has been involved in the production of numerous commercials (e.g. Peroni, Swatch, Pasta Agnes, Lancia). He makes documentaries and special programmes for the web. Recent productions: "Capitano Ultimo, le ali del falco," a documentary produced by Gruppo Datamedia; "Schegge di memoria" produced by Zètema; "Edi Rama" (webdoc on the Prime Minister of Albania); and "Chico Forti, quando finirà quest'incubo?" (webdoc).



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