Napoli Film Festival


di Alessandro Chetta (Ita, 2009, 4') mar 8 A woman makes ends meet in Naples by gathering used scratch cards and cashing the winnings that absen

In Purgatorio

di Giovanni Cioni (Ita, 2009, 68') lun 7 In 1652 Naples was overrun by the plague.

Una cosa importante da dire

di Raffaele Manco (Ita, 2009, 50') lun 7 The documentary fi lm “Una cosa importante da dire”, is a response to the illeg

Over the rainbow

di Simona Cocozza e Maria Martinelli (Ita, 2009, 85') lun 7 An affecting documentary on denied motherhood, where the “word&rdq

Le Case Bianche

 di Mauro Ascione e Emanuele Tammaro (Ita, 2009, 53') lun 7 A documentary made during the fi lming of “Marpiccolo” by Al

Una montagna di balle

di Nicola Angrisano (Ita, 2009, 77') dom 6 In the years between 2003 and 2009, a groups of video makers documented the so-called "Campa

Europa 0km

di Luca Bellino e Silvia Luzi (Ita, 2010, 30') dom 6 On the night of 12 and13 May 2008 dozens of petrol bombs rained onto the Roma camp at

Riccardo Dalisi. Le regole della libertà

di Matteo Giacomelli (Ita, 2009, 26') dom 6 Riccardo Dalisi unveils a rarely seen Naples, removed from the shrill clamour of the news pages,

Playing maruata

di Adam Selo (Ita, 2009, 52') dom 6 On the eve of the important feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the indigenous Nahua community talks to a

Sándor Márai e Napoli - il sapore amaro della libertà

di Gilberto Martinelli (Ita/Hun, 2010, 34') dom 6 For Sandor Marai, the greatest Hungarian writer of the twentieth century, Naples represent




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