Napoli Film Festival

Mò Vi Mento – Lira di Achille

Elena Guarracino, heir to a multinational company of condoms, tries to marry for the umpteenth time Achille Alfresco, president of the newborn party &

Mediterranean diet example to the world

Mediterranean diet example to the world is a poetic journey narrated through the eyes and words of an old wisdom man who, after wandering the world an

Una famiglia perfetta

Leone is fifty years old, he is a rich and lonely man.

Io sono Tempesta

Numa Tempesta is a finacier who manages a one and a half billion euro fund and is starting a new real estate project in Kazakhstan.

Yuri - Sulle tracce di Yuri Ahronovitch

Yuri Ahronovitch, was one of the most prestigious conductors in the Soviet Union, head of the Symphony Orchestra of Soviet Radio in Moscow.

Tina Pica

A documentary dedicated to the figure of Concetta Annunziata Pica, screen name Tina Pica, beloved for her character of brusque and bubera characterist




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