Non ti conosco abbastanza

di Cristiano Luchini (Ita, 2010, 7') mon 7 We think we are refl ecting when we are merely reshuffl ing our prejudices.

Non fermarti!

di Giuseppe Bucci (Ita, 2009, 7') dom 6 A man runs through the grey city streets following something that all those he meets on his path have al

Nella rabbia una speranza

di Leonardo De Blasiis (Ita, 2009, 4') lun 7 The film describes a young person's rage agains this city, Naples, the focus of his love but a

My little piece of Naples

di Antonio Borriello (Ita, 2009, 5') sat 5 Naples and its problems: you mustn't give in to the constant griping of those who don't kno


di Fabrizio Livigni (Ita, 2009, 7') tue 8 Naples.

Lontano nei miei occhi

A man's violence against his wife. All before the terrified gaze of their child.

La legge di Klya

 di Alessandro De Cristofaro (Ita, 2010, 20') sun 6 In the imaginary country of Klya, a law is passed: no one will ever die alone again.

Il ladro di sogni

 di Antonio Ruocco (Ita, 2010, 30') sun 6 Rosa is a young mother who lives with her father Giovanni, her brother Luca and his son Emanuele.


di Aniceto Fiorillo (Ita, 2009, 10') mar 8 Between pimps, phone sex lines and mental blocks, Gigino's friend is always a friend.


di Giovanni Mazzitelli (Ita, 2009, 12') sun 6 A kid locked in a room with no way out knows nothing of himself and waits to see what his fate is.




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