
Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir

Biography of the director: 
Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir was born in Reykjavik in 1984. She finished her studies in comparative literature between the University of Iceland and La Sorbonne in Paris.

Thomas Stuber

Biography of the director: 
Thomas Stuber was born in Leipzig in 1981. Since 2002, he has worked on several movies and television productions as a screenwriter and assistant director.

Shady Srour

Biography of the director: 
Shady Srour is an Israelian actor, director, screenwriter and producer. He worked not only for cinema but also for theater and TV.

Fatmir Koçi

Biography of the director: 
Fatmir Koçi was born in 1961 in Tirana (Albania), where he studied acting and film direction.

Cesare Furesi

Biography of the director: 
Cesare Furesi was born in Alghero in 1957. Graduated in Communication Sciences, he lived in Sardinia until 1997 when he moved to Rome.

Alexandros Sipsidis

Biography of the director: 
Alexandros Sipsidis (Žambyl, 1984) studied Film Direction at the IAMI (Professional Training Institute) AKMI in Athens and from there he was admitted to the Preston University of Los Angeles, thanks t

Marco Rossano

Biography of the director: 
Marco Rossano nato nel 1976 è un documentarista sociologo visuale che dal 2002 vive in Spagna dove si occupa di sociologia visuale all’Università di Barcellona.

Ciro Mattei

Biography of the director: 
Mattei Ciro, leader della rete di Peppesmith, è un professore di filosofia e scienze sociali al liceo, ma soprattutto, una personalità ben nota nel panorama musicale napoletano.

Giovanna Dipalma

Biography of the director: 
Giovanna Dipalma è esperta di comunicazione e marketing territoriale.

Diego Vitale

Biography of the director: 
Napoli, 03/08/2000. Sin da piccolo è appassionato al mondo del filmaking.




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