
Raffaele Pollastro

Biography of the director: 
Raffaele Pollastro was born in Naples. He was a member of the Boy Scouts as a child. At sixteen he studied acting and worked as an entertainer at holiday resorts villages.

Vittorio Adinolfi

Biography of the director: 
In 1993 he won the Tondelli dramaturgy award.

Ferdinando Carcavallo

Biography of the director: 
Born in Naples in 1967, FC is a computer engineer with a passion for film.

Fratelli Katano

Biography of the director: 
Tonino and Tanino Katano were born in Naples and live there even when they're travelling.

Antonio Avossa

Biography of the director: 
Born in Naples in 1992, Antonio Avossa lives in Frattamaggiore (NA). His passion for cinema began when he was 14 years old.

Antonio Manco

Biography of the director: 
In 2004 Antonio Manco obtained a degree in communication sciences with a thesis on the language of film applied to political and social communication.

Stefano Moffa

Biography of the director: 
Stefano Moffa attore, regista, sceneggiatore lavora in diverse fiction (la Squadra, la Nuova Squadra, Il caso Tortora) e film “Song’ e napule”, “Ossidiana”, in diversi ruoli tra reparto artistico, r

Ettore De Lorenzo

Biography of the director: 
Ettore de Lorenzo is a journalist with Rai TV. Stefano Moffa, actor, director and screenwriter has worked on various TV dramas (la Squadra, la Nuova Squadra, Il caso Tortora) and films "Song’ e




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