Tre Colori: Film blu

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Three colors: Blue
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Fra, 1993, 97') sab 5 h 22,20 - mar 8 h 22,00 - mer 9 h 16,00 Julie loses her famous composer husband Patrice and her small daughter Anna, in a car accident. Julie thus begins a new anonymous, detached life, deliberately distancing herself from everything she had before. A music journalist suspects that she is really the true author of her husband's music. She denies it. Olivier, Patrice's young assistant, has been love with Julie for a long time. In an attempt to force her out of her isolation, he decides to complete the Concerto for Europe: a major work left unfinished by the dead composer. Julie meanwhile tries to avoid the traps that will deprive her of her freedom...



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