Mena Solipano

Mena Solipano

Mena Solipano has a degree in sociology from the Federico II University of Naples. After graduation she did a web design course, which brought her into contact with the field of graphic design and web activities, tasks she currently performs professionally for the 'Arci movie' cultural association in Naples. After attending a specialist training course for operators in film animation and comic book publishing, she began running her own film and film animation workshops for children in schools. Filmografia 2010 - Il segreto 2011 - Il sole e la nuvola, La strada di cioccolato, Il pianeta della verità, Il paese con la esse davanti, A giocare col bastone, Il naso che scappa 2012 - L’acca in fuga, Il semaforo blu 2012 - La rana Germana 2012 - Il grillo e la farfalla, Il leone e il topo, Il Re Travicello



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