Napoli Film Festival


di Piero Tomaselli (Ita, 2009, 90') lun 7 h 19,50 The “Captain”, a fisherman with a colourful history but with a shy dis

Liberarsi: Figli di una rivoluzione minore

di Salvatore Romano (Ita, 2008, 90') lun 7 h 18,00 Pietro is a young giornalist of Italian origin, living in Toronto.

Per Sofia

di Ilaria Paganelli (Ita, 2009, 89') dom 6 h 18,10 Two existences, two destinies cross and are completed against the backdrop of a mysterious

Se chiudi gli occhi

di Lisa Romano (Italia, 2008, 90') sab 5 h 17,50 Veronica, a young single mother of an adolescent boy, is driving along a coastal road.

Akadimia Platonos

di Fillipos Tsitos (Gre, 2009, 103') v.o., sott. it. mer 9 h 17,40 Athens, Plato's Academy district.

In Your Arms

di Hubert Gillet (Fra, 2009, 83') v.o., sott. it. gio 10 h 19,40 Louis was abandoned by his mother a few weeks after his birth.

Slovenian girl

di Damjan Kozole (Slo, 2009, 90') v.o., sott. it. mar 08 h 18,00 Ljubljana 2008.

Born to Suffer

di Miguel Albaladejo (Spa, 2009, 112') v.o., sott. it.

A good man

di Juan Martínez Moreno (Spa, 2009, 97') v.o., sott.




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