Napoli Film Festival

Passerà notte

Naples, 1942. The Iovine family survive as best they can in the difficult years of World War II.

Outside school hours

A girl decides to hide inside her school building with the intention of altering documents relating to a prize school trip to London meant for certain

Orti Sociali, una ricetta per il recupero di suoli agricoli

"It is essential to recover and re-use abandoned and uncultivated land and reduce overbuilding.

Notre Dame de Ponticelli

Maria was abandoned by her mother as a child and grew up in the belfry of a church under the care of Father Claudio.

Lotta di classe

A group of kids in a Naples high school discuss and recount the complex situation regarding their occupation of a school in a disadvantaged neighbourh

Le faremo sapere

Raffaele is a kid who, like many others, wants to make it in the film business. All the auditions he goes to turn out the same.

Le bambole non scherzano più

The guy, careless of the pain he causes to the body and to the dignity of the woman, unleashes his aggression on his partner for trivial reasons.

La prima scossa

Sometimes emotions can become confused and confusing, and can even become completely inverted.

La leggenda di Colapesce

A boy, known in Naples as Colapesce because of his passion for the sea, is asked by the King to discover what treasures are hidden next to the three c

I ragazzi di Don Bosco

Don Bosco, having dedicated his life to helping children in need, has reached the end of his intensely-lived journey.




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