Decalogo I - Io sono il Signore Dio tuo. Non avrai altro Dio all'infuori di me

International title: 
Decalogue I - I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 55') sab 5 h 16,00 Science teacher Krzystof lives in Warsaw (separated from his wife) with his young son. The boy has inherited his father's interest in computers and shows signs of a sharp intelligence. He adores his Aunt Irene, a devout Catholic who tries to respond to his questions about religion and faith – questions that when put to his father, remain unanswered. For the father, reason and science are the measure of all things. One day during the harsh Polish winter they use the computer to calculate the solidity of the ice on the surface of the nearby lake. Pawel dons his new ice skates, a present from his Dad, and goes off to play. And the unthinkable happens: the ice on the lake breaks and the boy drowns. Distraught, the father tears into the church under construction nearby and destroys the altar, imploring through his tears how this absurd event could come to pass and why his son had to die.



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