Decalogo II - Non nominare il nome di Dio invano

International title: 
Decalogue II - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 57') sab 5 h 17,10 Warsaw. A woman named Dorata is in the midst of a crisis: her husband is Andrzey gravely ill in hospital and she is pregnant by another man. She has decided that should her husband survive, she will have an abortion. She thus seeks the advice of the hospital senior physician, an elderly doctor who had lost his family in the war and lives alone in the same apartment block as Dorata. Anxious to prevent the abortion, the doctor insists that although Andrzey is close to death, it is still possible that he may pull through. Reassured, the woman decides to leave her lover and go ahead with her pregnancy, which will be the one thing that gives her a reason to live. After some time has passed the now healthy Andrzey meets the doctor to express his thanks for his unexpected recovery and to give the news of the imminent birth of a son he believes to be his own.



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