Decalogo V - Non uccidere

International title: 
Decalogue V - Thou shalt not kill
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 57') lun 7 h 16,00 In the streets of Warsaw, an unemployed and restless young man Jacek commits acts of vandalism and finally kills a taxi driver. After his arrest, Jacek's defence is handled by Piotr, a young lawyer who is intent on avoiding a death sentence. But the circumstances of the crime, together with the ferocity of the act, allow no clemency for Jacek. The brutality of that killing is matched by the excess of a death by hanging, painstakingly prepared and carried out by its executors. Discovering too late that young Jacek had been traumatised by the tragic death of his little sister, killed by a drunk driver, the lawyer can do nothing more than unleash his fury against this violent and inhumane mode of applying punitive justice.



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