Decalogo VI - Non commettere atti impuri

International title: 
Decalogue VI - Thou shalt not commit adultery
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 58') lun 7 h 17,10 Nineteen year old Tomek returns home from his post office job and uses binoculars to spy on Magda, the thirty year old who lives in the block opposite. She is an attractive, liberated woman not unwilling to be involved with various different men. Obsessive in his desire, Tomek does all he can to get close to her. He finally declares himself; the woman admits him to her home but his attempt to make love to her ends in failure. Humiliated, the desperate youth tries to commit suicide and then disappears. Magda is upset by his absence and in turn becomes obsessive about finding him. Some time later, Tomek, having gotten over Magda, sees her at the post office and coldly informs her that he no longer spies on her.



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