Lacreme napulitane

International title: 
Lacreme napulitane
Regia Francesco Satta Sceneggiatura Francesco Satta Fotografia Michele D'Attanasio Montaggio Andrea Maguolo Musica Bovio-Buongiovanni Daniele Furlati Interpreti Antonio Allocca Dario Oppido Produzione Francesco Satta, Casa Circondariale Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 18'45'' Synopsis A train leaves a picture postcard Naples on Christmas Eve, bound for Milan. Among the passengers are two very typical but very different characters: an elderly man, the classic affable Neapolitan chatterbox, and a Milanese engineer on a business trip. Limited space on the train forces them to pass the journey together. The contrast between their characters gives rise to the comedy and pathos typical of the classic Italian comedy, a genre of which this short is both an homage and an affectionate parody.



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