Le insondabili memorie

International title: 
Le insondabili memorie
Regia Nadia Baldi Sceneggiatura Nadia Baldi Fotografia Giovanni Ragone Musica Paolo Vivaldi Interprete Roberto Herlitzka Produzione Visioni Segrete Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 30' Synopsis The story takes place in an Italian psychiatric hospital between 1940 and 1960. It is telled 20 years later by its protagonist: Doctor Herl. He fells in love with Ofelia, the wife of a psychiatric working with him, but she is in love with Alessandro Blasi, a disordered man patient in their hospital. The woman will soon lose her mind, becoming she herself a doctor Herl's patient. The end of the film is voluntarily opened…



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