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Regia Fulvio Arrichiello Sceneggiatura Fulvio Arrichiello Fotografia Fulvio Arrichiello Montaggio Fulvio Arrichiello Musica Enzo Gragnaniello Vincenzo Gualtieri Produzione FluidoFilm (Fulvio Arrichiello) Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, b/n e colore Durata 32' Synopsis On 24 March 1976 the armed forces of the Argentine Republic launched a military coup, overthrowing the constitutional government. The military regime maintained its rule through terror and violence. The predominant instrument of repression was arrest and disappearance – the fate of at least 30,000 persons, including hundreds of children The association "Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo" is a non-government organisation committed to finding and restoring to their families those children kidnapped during the era of political repression.



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