Giulio Manfredonia

Giulio Manfredonia

One of the main directors of the Italian comedy after the Nineties. He was born on November 3rd 1967 and he is Luigi Comencini's nephew. He learns the ropes as assistant director for Luigi and for Cristina Comencini and then for Antonio Albanese, who will play in many of his films, the first short film is in 1998. In 2001 his first film as director Se fossi in te with Gioele Dix. His first film with the performance of Albanese is in 2004, E’ già ieri, freely inspired by Groundhog Day, an American comedy with Bill Murray. In 2008 a group of ex patients of a psychiatric hospital found a cooperative company in Si può fare which receives the David di Donatello award in the youth section. Between 2011 and 2012 he directs Albanese again and gets great success with Qualunquemente and Tutto tutto niente niente. Finally 2014 is the year of La nostra terra with  Stefano Accorsi, also presented this year at the NapoliFilmFestival.



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