Caterina Taricano

Caterina Taricano

She was born in Turin in 1978. She is a journalist, author and screenwriter. She has collaborated with L’Unità, FilmTv, Filmidee. She writes for Cinecittànews and directs the periodical magazine of the Cinema National Museum Association of Turin “Mondo Niovo”. Recently she has worked as a researcher for Istituto Luce and as an editor for the TV show “Sconosciuti”. In 2009 she wrote along with Matteo Pollone “Il Castoro”, dedicated to Neil Jordan. She has worked to a few editions of the RomaFictionFest. Her latest work is the biography of Giuliano Montaldo “A Genoese Martian in Rome”, published by Felici Editore in 2014.



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