Marjane Satrapi

Marjane Satrapi

She was born 22 November 1969 in Rasht, Iran. She is graphic novelist, cartoonist,illustrator, film director, and children's book author. She grew up in Tehran in a middle-class Iranian family. Her parents were both politically active and supported Marxist causes against the monarchy of the last Shah. When the Iranian Revolution took place in 1979, they were intimidated by the Muslim fundamentalists who took power. During her youth, Marjane was constantly exposed to the growing brutalities of the various regimes. She witnessed many family friends being persecuted, arrested, and even murdered. She found a hero in her uncle, Anoosh, who had been a political prisoner and lived in exile for a time. Tragically Anoosh was arrested again and executed. Her parents grew concerned that the young Marjane, a strong-willed and rambunctious teenager. They arranged for her to study abroad, and in 1983 she arrived in Vienna, Austria, to attend the Lycée Français de Vienne. She stayed in Vienna staying in friends' homes, but spent two months living on the streets. After an almost deadly bout of pneumonia, she returned to Iran. She studied visual communication, eventually obtaining a master's degree from Islamic Azad University in Tehran. After divorced by her huband moved to Strasbourg, France. Persepolis in 2007 was the first film made with Vincent Parronaud followed by Chicken with Plums in 2011. Alone she directed other two movies until 2014.



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