Chiara Mastroianni

She was born in Paris on May 28th 1972, daughter of the film stars Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve. Moreover, the actress Francoise Dorleac (La calda amante by Truffaut and Cul-de sac by Polansky) is her aunt. Chiara paid homage to her parents immediately with her first role which nominated her to the César Prize in 1994. The film is La mia stagione preferita by André Techiné, made in 1993. In 1979 she had already appeared as a child in a film with her Mum, A noi due by Claude Lelouch. An interesting fact is that in the same year she also appeared in La città delle donne by Federico Fellini, but that scene was removed while editing. After high school she matriculated at the University of Paris III Censier in order to get the General University Studies Diploma (DEUG). Throughout her career Mrs. Mastroianni has boasted several collaborations with the greatest film directors: Robert Altman, Raul Ruiz, Gregg Araki, Mike Figgis, Benoit Jacquot, Arnaud Desplechin, Manoel de Oliveira as well as the ones already mentioned. In 1999 she was directed by Sergio Castellitto in Libero burro, in 2002 by Francesca Comenicini in Le parole di mio padre and in 2003 by her colleague Valeria Bruni Tedeschi in È più facile che un cammello… In one of her latest films she has been directed by the great French director Claire Denis in Les Salauds (2013). She has starred in the films by Christophe Honoré many times.



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