Enrico Iannaccone

Enrico Iannaccone

Enrico Iannaccone is a Neapolitan director and musician. In 2011 he founded the Cultural Association Zazen Film, with which he wrote, directed and produced the short film The Execution, which won, among other awards, the David di Donatello for Best Short Film in 2013. In 2013 he realized the short Peristalsis (April Award and Special Mention at the Milan Film Festival in 2013) and The Crap. In the first months of 2014 he ended his fourth short film Anaconism, he put on stage his text Per Gentile Intercessione ("By kind intercession"), played by Gea Martire, Luca Saccoia and Marco Cavalli and represented inside the Hypogeum of the Purgatory Church of Naples). In the same year he made his first official album Danza Globulare (“Globular Dance”, Piapipc Records). In May 2014 he made his fifth short film, Gli Amori ("The Love Stories"), while in December he made his first feature film La Buona Uscita ("Golden Parachute").



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