Michele Diomà

Credits principali

Production company: 
Michele Diomà

Cast e credits

Dario Fo, Renato Scarpa, Antonello Pascale, Michele Diomà, Ottavia Orticello, Riccardo Castagnari, Nadia Kibout, Donald Ranvaud

Sweet Democracy

International title: 
Sweet Democracy
Italia - Gran Bretagna
Year of production: 
2 016
The internationally famous Anglo-Italian reporter Adam Coretti has founded his career upon rigorousness and incorruptible life. That is why all the powerful personalities fear him. Each time a politician or a big lobbyist faces up with an interview with Adam Coretti, that means proving to be honest and faultless. Nevertheless, any powerful person knows that having a meeting with that journalist may turn out to boomerang. This is what Ludovico, the intermediary of an unreal Prime Minister, fears. The character of the President does not find any inspiration from any real ones, but it actually shows a lot of negative aspects of some Italian politicians. Giacomo Pavrini is a depressed President, because all the polls show his lack of approval, but the electoral situation pushes him to reluctantly accept an interview with Adam Coretti. The film is all about this match, which is the central point of the plot, around which all the film topics are proposed: the speculative finance that has ousted politics, and the limits in the freedom of speech. Sweet Democracy, which finds its inspiration in the genre of the political satire, is a film based on two film expressions: fiction and documentary film. A mixture which has given the film director the opportunity to let the actor and Nobel Prize writer Dario Fo join the project.



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