Michele Placido

Michele Placido

Michele Placido, actor and director, was born in Ascoli Satriano (FG) on May 19, 1946. He became known to international audiences thanks to the role of Police Commissioner Cattaneo for the Italian fiction The Octopus by Damiano Damiani. In 1989 he was called by Marco Risi to play the role of the heroic professor in the film Forever Mary. In the same year he made his directional debut with the film Tomato a film about the extra-community issue, screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1990. In 1995 he directed the film Ordinary Hero screened at the Venice Film Festival. In 2005 he directed Kings of Crime from the novel by Giancarlo De Cataldo Romanzo criminale, dealing with the story of Magliana's band. Always attentive to social issues in 2016, he directs a new movie 7 minutes by addressing the workers problems.



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