
Naples 30.12.1958. Camera operator/Director of photography/Director. Professionally active in Milan since 1982 as camera operator/director of photography. Has written and directed several documentaries and short films. Since 2004 he has been a camera operator at CPTV RAI – Naples. He has co-written a few film screenplays.
Angelo Sateriale, attore, autore, comico e cantautore Campano. Inizia la sua carriera nel 2005 all’età di 19 anni frequentando a Roma la scuola di recitazione del Sistina “ribalte”di Enzo Garinei e poi teatro-azione di Isabella Del Bianco e Cristiano Censi. Nel 2009 inizia l’esperienza d’autore mettendo in scena la commedia “Suonatori sogna- tori”. Nel 2011 scrive la sua seconda opera “Domani dimenticheranno”. Il 2012 è l’anno di “Onestà omeopatica” e nello stesso periodo affronta un tour musicale, come show-man del gruppo “VeraceBand”.
L'impossibilità di scattare una fotografia rappresenta, per un fotografo, l'inizio della fine. Nella sua lotta contro l'immagine mancante, l'uomo sarà sommerso dal riemergere di un dolore troppo opprimente, che, visto da un'altra prospettiva, risulterà inutile ed inesistente, proprio come una foto non scattata.
Enrico Iannaccone is a Neapolitan director and musician. In 2011 he founded the Zazen Film arts association, with which he wrote, directed and produced the short film "L'Esecuzione", whose roster of wards includes the David di Donatello for best short 2013. In 2013 he made the shorts "Peristalsis" (April Award - Special Mention at the Milan Film Festival 2013) and "La Ciofeca." In early 2014 he completed his fourth short, "Aniconismo" – an adaptation of his stage play "Per gentile intercessione".
Regia Claudio Gargano Sceneggiatura Claudio Gargano Fotografia Marcello Merenda Rosaria Casolaro Montaggio Claudio Gargano Musica Close encounters (Dario Orlando, Dario Mancuso, Marco Luongo, Michele Schiano) Interpreti Marco Cavalli Paolo Cresta Chiara Baffi Ciro Giustiniani Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 18' Synopsis Black souls can find a place to live in the heart of any of us, and not all of us may be aware of it.
Regia Claudio Gargano Sceneggiatura Claudio Gargano Fotografia Marcello Merenda Rosaria Casolaro Montaggio Claudio Gargano Musica Close encounters (Dario Orlando, Dario Mancuso, Marco Luongo, Michele Schiano) Interpreti Marco Cavalli Paolo Cresta Chiara Baffi Ciro Giustiniani Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 18' Synopsis Black souls can find a place to live in the heart of any of us, and not all of us may be aware of it.
It’s certainly Munzi’s best movie. Luciano, a shepherd, is the eldest of three brothers; he's a man of utmost integrity and doesn’t like the obscenity and lawlessness of the other two. Specifically, Luigi is a drug trafficker but also Rocco, married and living in Milan, has some traffics with some businessmen. All the tragedy explodes when Leo, Luciano’s son, decides to shoot at the shutter of a bar belonging to a mafia clan. From this point there will be a sequel of murders with mafia intents that will induce Luciano to the killing spree.
It’s a documentary directed by the actor Ferdinando Maddaloni on the Russian journalist Anna Polikovskaja. Anna was killed in Moscow in 2006, she was known for reports on Chechnya and her commitment to human rights and against President Vladimir Putin. The murder was carried out in the elevator of the building where she lived. The case was never fully investigated. The short film has won numerous awards.




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