
Un gruppo di studenti realizza un documentario sulla percezione della follia e della normalità nel quarantesimo anniversario della Legge 180, la cosiddetta legge Basaglia, con cui si chiusero i manicomi in Italia.
di Alessandro D'alessandro (Ita, 2009, 55') sab 5 Five kids united by their passion for football pursue their dream day by day: to win on the field as in life. But fi rst they have to face social and cultural prejudices much stronger in a territory as fascinating but also as difficult as Campania. Watch the video
di Luca Federico (Ita, 2010, 24') sab 5 “Tutto modo” tells of Peles Ljubica and her deportation by the Croatian ‘Ustase' fascist movement as part of their campaign against the Serbian population during the Second World War. The perspective of Ljubica's story is that of a modern fable set amidst the tragic context of the anti-Semitic deportations, in which she fi nds herself the protagonist of as many situations as those in which she suffers hardships. Watch the video
A young director makes a short film with some old friends. However, a series of events force him to flee, like the main character of his film, abandoning everything and everyone and starting over. "Tutto quello che non ci siamo detti" is a story of love, friendship and betrayal that addresses the eternal dualism between reality and fiction and shows how film reveals the truths that reality does not admit.
di Enrico Pitzianti (Ita, 2008, 86') Mar 10 h 19.30; Mer 11 h 22.15
di Mimmo Mancini (2008, 16')
di Mimmo Mancini (2008, 16')
Sezione IV di Mimmo Mancini (Ita, 2008, 16') Sab 13 h 18.00
Anno 2037. Per arginare il tracollo economico e strutturale, l'Italia vende parte dei suoi territori a lobby private. La Regione Campania diventa l'area RS 3. In un clima di terrore e soprusi, Uccia dovrà scegliere tra due istinti: creazione o distruzione. Il sangue che sporcherà le sue mani sarà sangue di vita o di vendetta?




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