
George Eastman is the broke nephew of the rich industrialist Charles Eastman. George arrives in town after the lucky meeting with his uncle while he was working in a hotel in Chicago. Charles offers his nephew a job in his factory. There he meets Alice the worker and they start to date. At a social event organised by his uncle he meets Angela, a high society girl that George had already noticed and they fall in love with each other. But Alice gets pregnant and wants him to marry her, although George is already infatuated by high society and by Angela’s beauty and ignores the problem.
This is the story of a boy and girl who are victims of school bullying. The girl's story reaches a happy ending, but for the boy the outcome is tragic.
di Raffaele Capano (Ita, 2010, 10') Istituto Comprensivo “F. D'Assisi” – Torre del Greco, merc 9 The fi m intends to underline the incivility of leaving rubbish everywhere. It is based on brief interviews conducted by the students from this school in Torre del Greco, helping to illustrate the history of this city through its most significant monuments.
di Andrea Pellizzer (Ita, 2010, 70') mar 8 h 22,00 During the 2007/08 football season a little club from the cadets league achieves a historic goal that would have been unthinkable a few months before: to notch up a fantastic season, reach the Play Off finals and have the chance of realising a dream called Serie A. In its history AlbinoLeffe came close to this dream that its Val Seriana team, a fusion of the two clubs from the villages of Albino and Leffe, shared with its 20,000 followers. "Un Sogno Serio" recounts this long year, most definitely out of the ordinary.
di Andrea Pellizzer (Ita, 2010, 70') mar 8 h 22,00 During the 2007/08 football season a little club from the cadets league achieves a historic goal that would have been unthinkable a few months before: to notch up a fantastic season, reach the Play Off finals and have the chance of realising a dream called Serie A. In its history AlbinoLeffe came close to this dream that its Val Seriana team, a fusion of the two clubs from the villages of Albino and Leffe, shared with its 20,000 followers. "Un Sogno Serio" recounts this long year, most definitely out of the ordinary.
Un momento d’abbandono si trasforma in un incubo. Lacerato dai sensi di colpa per aver tradito la moglie, un marito pasticcione prova a cancellare le tracce del suo tradimento.
di Fabio Mollo (Ita, 2008, 16') sun 6 A remote Campania village celebrates its patron saint. In this early twentieth century society, Teresa is a long way away from all that “she has to do” but freely chooses to “do what she has to”.




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