
Benevento 11/06/1987 Valerio Vestoso: sceneggiatore e regista nasce a Benevento l’11 giugno 1987. Scrive per il teatro le commedie Erennio Decimo Lavativo (diretta da Ugo Gregoretti), Buena Onda (con Rocco Papaleo, Giovanni Esposito e Valter Lupo) e Unigeniti Figli di Dio. Oltre a numerosi commercial tv e videoclip, si dedica al cortometraggio con Tacco12, mockumentary sull’ossessione per il ballo di gruppo, e Ratzinger Vuole Tornare, dissacrante trattativa sul ritorno del papa emerito.
Valerio Vestoso was born in Benevento on 11 June 1987. After a long series of music videos and commercials, he made the short film "Al mio Paese" (winner at Vday in Rome and best editing at Metricamente Corto Festival). In 2013 came "Il mese di giugno" with Nello Mascia (Official selection: Instanbul Shortfilm Festival, Toluca Film Festival, Butiful Film Festival UK, 41st Parallel New York, Napoli Film Festival, Fano Film Festival and Fiati Corti (Film Essay section). Filmografia 2012 - Al mio Paese 2013 - Il Mese di Giugno 2014 - Tacco 12
(USA, 1989, 137')8 v.it.; Lun 9 h 18.15
Due to toxic waste, Cosimo and Rosaria, buffalo breeders, had several damage to their farm in the province of Caserta. Ezio, Cosimo's brother, is their partner, married to Adele and has three children. The next birth of a baby for the couple makes them resist adversity. Rino, a wicked lawyer with the will to become mayor, intends to take away the family property in Rosaria, Cosimo and Enzo to leave undisturbed the toxic dump traffic.
di Piero Tomaselli (Ita, 2009, 90') lun 7 h 19,50 The “Captain”, a fisherman with a colourful history but with a shy disposition lives alone in a prefab hut in a remote area of the Marano lagoon. He has chosen to live in this isolation for many years now. His only contacts with the community are a young boy, Manuel, generally considered to be a bit touched because of his frequent visits to the Captain, and a somewhat eccentric Carabiniere, Giona, who for some reason has grown fond of the old sailor.
Una fabbrica in crisi ed i licenziamenti a pioggia degli operai. Ogni venerdì c’è chi deve sperare di non essere il prossimo. Tratto da una storia vera.




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