
Yuri Bykov was born on 15 August 1981 in Russia. He graduated in 2005 from the State Institute of Cinematography (under the guidance of Vladimir Grammatikov). He has worked at the Teatro della Luna, the Chekhov Art Theatre and TSATRA. Between 2005 and 2009 he made commercials and short films (his Head received an award at the Kinotavr in 2009. In 2010 he made his first film Live, which won awards in several festivals.
Baby Girl trascorre le sue giornate con Cookie e Banana in un club di tifosi di calcio. Il ritrovamento di una scatola piena di petardi li porta a un'acrobazia, dietro la quale si nasconde un ordine proveniente dai piani superiori: criminalità organizzata a cui sono legate le famiglie dei tre adolescenti. Eppure questo evento crea la possibilità di uno scontro tra Baby Girl e Cookie, divisi da un conflitto che risale al conflitto dei loro genitori.
Mark è un giovane di sinistra, studente in un campus. In seguito a una protesta studentesca alcuni di loro vengono arrestati e Mark cerca invano di far uscire un suo amico dal carcere. Viene quindi arrestato a sua volta. Intanto Lee un manager esecutivo per una grossa compagnia ha una relazione con la sua dipendente Daria. Mentre quest’ultima è in panne nel deserto conosce Mark e i due finiranno col far l’amore entrambi decisi a loro modo a combattere lo strapotere del capitalismo. Molto criticato negli Stati Uniti perché ne usciva un ritratto superficiale e riduttivo dell’America.
In a repressive boarding school with rigid rules of behavior, four boys decide to rebel against the direction on a celebration day.
A tragicomic journey through the city that I love but had to leave. Amidst the wonders of the most beautiful bay in the world, the best seafood in the world and the surreal pyramids of rubbish. A journey in the company of priests, the Camorra, activists, saints, judges, police officers, journalists, baristas and two shining stars: the Mayor of Naples and the American guru of the Zero Waste theory, which claims that waste cancellation is possible not only in San Francisco but also in Naples.  
di Pippo Mezzapesa (Ita, 2003, 13') mer 9 h 19,50 – gio 10 h 14,30 Arcangelo Turturro is a little man who nurtures a little dream: to play the cymbals in his village band. He eventually manages to get in but is left with the frustration of never being able to play in time with the conductor.
di Pippo Mezzapesa (Ita, 2003, 13') mer 9 h 19,50 – gio 10 h 14,30 Arcangelo Turturro is a little man who nurtures a little dream: to play the cymbals in his village band. He eventually manages to get in but is left with the frustration of never being able to play in time with the conductor.




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