Produzione Campana

Un potere scomodo

This is the story of a boy and girl who are victims of school bullying.

Più giù, entro le mura

A beautifully composed panoramic view of the Gulf of Naples leads to a sequence of different low-level perspectives accompanied by live sound.

Passerà notte

Naples, 1942. The Iovine family survive as best they can in the difficult years of World War II.

Orti Sociali, una ricetta per il recupero di suoli agricoli

"It is essential to recover and re-use abandoned and uncultivated land and reduce overbuilding.

Notre Dame de Ponticelli

Maria was abandoned by her mother as a child and grew up in the belfry of a church under the care of Father Claudio.

Le bambole non scherzano più

The guy, careless of the pain he causes to the body and to the dignity of the woman, unleashes his aggression on his partner for trivial reasons.

La prima scossa

Sometimes emotions can become confused and confusing, and can even become completely inverted.

C’è qualcuno là fuori?

A boy lives locked in his room surrounded by his computer, phones and video games.

Totò Memories - Il Museo del Principe Atteso da Vent'anni

"Totò Memories - Il Museo del Principe atteso da vent'anni" is a documentary investigation into the absence of a tangible reminder of


Inspired by the bucolic mood evoked by the eponymous poem by Raffaele Viviani, "Primitivamente" is a journey into the past and present of Ac




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