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International title: 
No End
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1984, 103') v.o. lun 7 h 18,20 – 20,20 A Polish translator, Ulla (Grazyna Szapolowska), grieves for her recently deceased lawyer husband. As she tries to cope with her loss, the family of her husband's last client, Darek Stach, contacts her, asking her for legal documents and advice. Ulla struggles with caring for her son, and alternately trying to remember and to forget her husband, while Darek struggles to come to terms with his imprisonment for political dissidence. The ghost of Ulla's husband observes these events, occasionally becoming visible to Ulla and Darek. At the end of the film a new lawyer secures Darek's release, but the idealistic Darek is disappointed that he has been unable to effect any change in the system. Ulla uses her gas stove to commit suicide, and her spirit joins with her husband.



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