Emanuele Gaetano Forte

Emanuele Gaetano Forte

He was born in Formia in 1991, and he debuted in 2009 with the short film Tiro a Quattro ("Four shooting"), winner of the Sottodiciotto Film Festival in Turin. Two years later it was the turn of the short film La comédie d'un jour ("Comedy for a day") that won the first prize at the eighth International Moak Short Film Competition in 2013, with Enrico Ghezzi as jury president. He organized the Comicron International Short Film Festival in Pontelandolfo in 2013 under the artistic supervision of Hugh Gregory. He has worked as assistant director for Sebastian Maulucci, Enrico Maria Artale and, on TV, for Alfonso Pontillo. In 2013 he directed the documentary Gaetanino – mio nonno, San Giovanni e Berlinguer (“Gaetanino – my grandfather, San Giovanni and Berlinguer”). He also produced, with boys suffering from physical and mental disabilities in the rehabilitation centre Vaclav Vojta, the short Bolle di sapone (“Soap bubbles”). He has worked in theatres, produced videoclips and has been the author of a collection of short stories Rumore di cicale (“The sound of cicadas”), published by Il Foglio. He has been assistant director for the film Fuori Sede (“Out of Office”) produced by the National Academy of Dramatic Art Silvio D'Amico with Sergio Rubini as direction supervisor. In 2016 he produced his first fiction feature film Al di là del risultato ("Beyond the Result").



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