In France in 1425, animated by mystical visions, little Jeannette grazes sheep in the village of Domrémy. It is not yet Joan of Arc but is already sensitive to the suffering of his country and only eight years would like the British outside of France. He grows in fervor and faith in full view of his friend Hauviette and Madame Gervaise, a double nun who tries to restrain her. But among mystical visions, songs and dances, Jeannette turns into the paladin of the French people and is ready for battle, with the ardent desire to free the country from the invader. Divided between two movements, like a musical score, Jeannette, the childhood de Jeanne d'Arc offers a new and daring look on the childhood and youth of the maid of Orléans, through an instinctive, mad and extreme artistic act. An unsettling musical, which sounds innovative.