
di Marcus H. Rosenmüller (Ger, 2006, 104') v.o., sott. it.; Dom 17 h 17.00   You can never be too young to be a murderer, thinks 11-year-old Sebastian, who's convinced that he killed his mother at the age of 0. The proof is on her tombstone: she died the day he was born! Though his father Lorenz tries to calm him, Sebastian is terrified by the thought of spending years in purgatory. Hoping to knock off a few years by doing good deeds, he sets out to find a wife for his dad.
di Enzo Pizza (Ita, 2009, 5') Lun 15 h 17.40
di Ludovico Visconti (1974, 120') Retired professor of American origin lives solitary life in luxurious palazzo in Rome He is confronted by vulgar Italian marchesa and her companions: her lover, her daughter and daughter's boyfriend and forced to rent to them an apartment on upper floor of his palazzo. From this point his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life is taking unexpected but inevitable turn.
di Ludovico Visconti (1974, 120') Retired professor of American origin lives solitary life in luxurious palazzo in Rome He is confronted by vulgar Italian marchesa and her companions: her lover, her daughter and daughter's boyfriend and forced to rent to them an apartment on upper floor of his palazzo. From this point his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life is taking unexpected but inevitable turn.
Naples, 2013. She is the woman who has everything but within her lurks a festering malaise. She arrives in town to take part in an international conference when something unexpected suddenly happens, triggering within her a sort of private internal rebellion. This charming young woman is kidnapped by the vital and critical force of Guado, the rebel guide who dwells at the centre of the earth and who will lead her to freedom.
di King Vidor (USA, 1955, 182') v.it., video; Mar 10 h 20.00*
Dal 2010 coltivo la mia passione per il cinema dirigendo diversi oltre a lavorare costantemente per il teatro, con il quale partecipo alla XVII EDIZIONE del BARBUTI SALERNO FESTIVAL. Nel 2015, forte dell' esperienza acquisita, giro uno Spot commissionato dall'azienda internazionale "Neomobile S.p.a." e compio il passo decisivo verso il mondo della produzione audiovisiva attraverso il WORKSHOP "Director's Prep", a Londra, presso la rinomata "London Film School" con il regista Jonas Grimas e grazie ad esso, nel mese di agosto dello stesso anno, arriv
Amante, sperimentatore e praticante delle arti teatrali e cinematografiche fin da adolescente, frequentando vari laboratori di formazione arriva ad esibirsi all'età di 16 anni al XIV Festival Internazionale del Teatro Classico Giovanile, nella spettacolare cornice del Teatro Greco di Siracusa . Dal 2015 compie il passo decisivo verso il mondo della produzione audiovisiva attraverso il "Director's Prep", presso la "London Film School" di Londra e parallelamente alla conclusione del suo percorso universitario con una laurea in Giurisprudenza, e come Filmmaker press




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