
Gli Uraniani tells a tragically contemporary story. A "burning issue" story and yet that one happened a long time ago, told with through the style and means of that time. A story that nevertheless could not have been represented thus at that very time. Not a nostalgic divertissement or an exercise in style, but a poetic/political short circuit, a mirror of that close combat fought during the last century between the denial and acceptance of homosexuality.
Un pugile non si separa mai dai suoi guantoni. Un modo come un altro per difendersi dal mondo.
Marilyn Monroe nell’estate del ’62 non ci ha lasciati, ma ha deciso di sparire dalle scene, vivendo per cinquant’anni lontana dal suo pubblico. Fino al giorno in cui una lettera la convince a rilasciare un’ultima intervista.
Goran examines despair, joy, hope and also pride in achievement, through the work of Goran Gostojić of Novi Sad.
Goran Radovanović (Belgrade, 1957) graduated in Art History from Belgrade’s Faculty of Philosophy in 1982. Between 1977 and 1980 he sojourned in Munich on a scholarship awarded by the Goethe Institute. After his return to Belgrade, he has worked as writer and director of both feature and documentary films. He is a member of the European Film Academy (Berlin) and the Film Artists Association of Serbia. Currently works as guest professor at EICTV (International Film and Television School), San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba.
di Asia Giordano (Ita, 2012, 81') versione italiana Lunedì 24 h 20,30 Institut Français Napoli - Sala Dumas Venice. Carlotta Gatti, a girl with an unfulfilled dream of dancing in a musical, loses her job as a dancer job at night club after being caught up in a police raid. The bail payment to get out of jail drains the savings of Carlotta and her laid-back brother Mattia, who is also recently out of work. But they somehow have to find money to pay rent to Naresh, the young Indian they live with.
di Asia Giordano (Ita, 2012, 81') versione italiana Lunedì 24 h 20,30 Institut Français Napoli - Sala Dumas Venice. Carlotta Gatti, a girl with an unfulfilled dream of dancing in a musical, loses her job as a dancer job at night club after being caught up in a police raid. The bail payment to get out of jail drains the savings of Carlotta and her laid-back brother Mattia, who is also recently out of work. But they somehow have to find money to pay rent to Naresh, the young Indian they live with.




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