
Sezione VII di Alfonso Postiglione (Ita, 2007, 57') Sab 14 h 16.54
di Francis Ford Coppola (USA, 1962, 175') v.o.; Lun 9 h 13.45*
Un leggendario papiro è conteso tra due famosi esploratori; si tratta dello scritto che svela il mistero sulla costru- zione delle piramidi, propiziata, all’oscuro della regina Cleopatra, da alcuni supereroi.
di Roberto Bontà Polito (Ita, 2009, 5') sun 6 A gang of kids playing on the street and a young down-and-out with shamanic powers that can heal the instrument of play (the football). The shaman recounts the myth of Aeneas to show the kids what qualities are needed to gain awareness. In the end they will prefer to listen and be amazed by what they see around them.
A plumber’s assistant, honest and idealistic Dima, devotes his free time studying to fulfill his dream of becoming an engineer. Leaving his family at home one evening, he goes to a seemingly derelict building housing the city’s pour to investigate a leak. What he finds is much worse, however, and he realizes that the 800 tenants need to be evacuated immediately- Requiring municipal authorization, he goes to see the mayor, and realizes that things aren’t as clean as they should be. Dima spends the night chasing the corrupt in order tosave those whom everyone has forgotten
È tarda notte, siamo in una casa piena di silenzio e oscurità. Un giovane si aggira per l'appartamento in cerca di qualcosa. Col dolore sul viso, ogni tanto dà una sbirciatina nella stanza in cui giace il cadavere di suo padre. Intervengono pochi personaggi, uno dopo l'altro. Appaiono in quella che dovrebbe essere "La notte del perdono", il momento in cui tutti i risentimenti svaniscono. Questi brevi incontri fluttuano assieme alla perplessità dell'uomo attraverso le stanze buie fino al finale inaspettato.
A family’s sequence of events seen through a kid’s eyes, Chiara, who is about to have her First Holy Communion. Her grandmother Irene lives in the family’s villa but her three sons would like to sell it without her willing. So here are the three sons’ stories: Sara is a widow and lives with her son Marco; Claudio is gay but doesn’t dare to tell the family; Rita is married with Claudio and has two daughters, but she hasn’t had sex with her husband for years. A film that allowed Virna Lisi to receive a Silver Ribbon and to be awarded at the Flaiano Film Festival.
Antonio, dopo molti anni di separazione, vive con il padre, Rosario, noto boss della malavita napoletana, da poco tornato in libertà dopo trent’anni di carcere. I due provano a conoscersi. Padre e figlio si confrontano fra le ombre del passato e le speranze per un futuro insieme.




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