
"Il mestiere più antico del mondo" (The oldest profession in the world) is a web series produced by KinemaZOne ("Travel Companions" by Ferdinand Carcavallo and Luca Napoletano). The central character of the series is Chiara Cascione, an ambitious courtroom lawyer in Naples. Running a law firm is not easy, especially when you have the knack of attracting decidedly strange and enigmatic clients. But Cascione is never one to give up without a fight and is professional and stubborn to the end, even in the most bizarre and complicated cases.
di Stefano Russo e Romano Montesarchio (Ita, 2006, 25') Ven 15 h 17.10
Arturo is an unscrupulous art dealer and Renzo his socially-awkward painter and longtime friend. Willing to risk it all, they develop an extreme and ludicrous plan to save themselves.
This short film on the body emerged from a series of meetings conducted by documentarist Silvano Agosti. The conceptual nature of the work stems from the video-performance criteria adopted; no post-production effects have been applied. The movement of petals and leaves is determined by the natural pressure of the flowers on the body. "In a million years, when they find your film, there will be a clone standard that will seek to reproduce the anatomy of your body. Each trace we leave is a possible and quintessential road towards the rebirth of our selves."
Roma, L’azzurro Scipioni
Tre giovanissimi ragazzi si aggirano tra le strade e i parchi di Ponticelli. Sulle immagini scorrono i loro pensieri e le loro speranze.
(Ita, 1964, 110'); Gio 11 h 16.00
(Ita, 1964, 110'); Gio 11 h 16.00
Un gruppo di bambini si trova in un’aula a scuola con una macchina da scrivere. Dopo tanto riflettere, scriveranno la storia di una bimba che ha perso il nonno, ma che ritroverà il sorriso grazie all’allegria dei compagni.
Lia is a girl making final preparations for Christmas Eve dinner; but the guests' expectations will be upset by a strange visit – one that will resolutely change that night and the rest of her life.
Sometimes happiness is just outside a man’s window, and still too far.… Two young boys are in love, but a prejudiced family and the rules of a bigoted society don’t allow that. Will not allow that. Year after year one single mistake, made mostly out of a fear of being judged, becomes a deep and excruciating regret, as shown by the melancholic short movie directed by Adriano Morelli. A vibrating mix of human portraits, visual metaphors and amazing music.




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