
Born in Madrid in 1962, Inés París has made several shorts and feature films as a director and screenwriter in Tv and Cinema. She teached at ECAM and she took part to many projects and screenplays in both Spanish and Latin American at the Iberoamerican Screenplay course promoted by Tornasol Films. For five years she has been president of CIMA-Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de los Medios Audiovisuales (Association of Women Filmmakers and operating in the Audiovisual Media) and she is currently the Institutional Director of the Audiovisual of the Fundación SGAE (the Spanish SIAE).
di Marinella Ioime (Ita, 2010, 4') fri 11 The film offers a symbolic vision of the city of Naples. An intricate city both geographically and socially. A thick knot of problems and situation that seem to be ineluctably destined never to straighten out.
Regia Cristina Berlini Sceneggiatura Cristina Berlini Fotografia Cristina Berlini Musica Guglielmo Eboli Interpreti Valerio De Rienzo Giustina D'Oriano Produzione Zaza Film Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 7'15'' Synopsis Darkness and light. Inside and outside. Prison and the distrust and prejudice of the "outside". Two realities brought face to face in an attempt to make difficult but not impossible contact. Who is truly free?
Regia Cristina Berlini Sceneggiatura Cristina Berlini Fotografia Cristina Berlini Musica Guglielmo Eboli Interpreti Valerio De Rienzo Giustina D'Oriano Produzione Zaza Film Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 7'15'' Synopsis Darkness and light. Inside and outside. Prison and the distrust and prejudice of the "outside". Two realities brought face to face in an attempt to make difficult but not impossible contact. Who is truly free?
Ernst Ingmar Bergman was born in Uppsala (Sweden) on 14 July 1918. In 1937 he settled in Stockholm and the following year he began his apprenticeship as a theater director. In 1942, the Svensk Filmindustri proposes to work as a screenwriter. His first screenplay adapted to the cinema is Torment (1944) by Alf Sjöberg, who will get the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1946. After Summer Interlude (1951) and Women Waiting (1952), in 1953 the film-scandal Summer with Monika, with the debut actress Harriet Andersson, who will be one of his muses.
Stefano ama dipingere. Ma a volte gli manca l’ispirazione. Per trovarla comincia a fumare con due amici.




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