
Golden Parachute is the grotesque and “cruel” story of the young Neapolitan bourgeoisie, rich and arrogant, cynical and antisocial. A solitary and narcissist world that consumes food and pleasures without any real human relationship with the rest of the people. On the contrary, it uses people.
Un insolito fenomeno di mutazione attacca l'ecosistema. Militari a caccia di una risposta si ritrovano ad affrontare qualcosa di inaspettato. Il processo di alterazione ormai è irreversibile.
Julien lavora come imprenditore agricolo, è sposato con Delphine e ha una figlia, Suzanne. La farmacista Esther Despierre, che Julien conosceva fin dalla giovinezza, è sposata con un compagno di scuola di Julien, il sempre malaticcio Nicolas. Un giorno, Esther incontra di nuovo Julien e lo accusa di aver baciato tutte le donne, ma non lei. Poi si fa baciare e inizia una relazione appassionata. Nei mesi successivi si incontrano irregolarmente nella stanza blu di un albergo locale. Quando Esther gli chiede se può immaginare una vita con lei, Julien le dice che e’ possibile.
Sezione IV di Nicola Nisci (Ita, 2007, 63') Mer 11 h 16.50
Razzullo is a scrivener hired by the Emperor Augusto to take a census of all the Empire citizens, who is keeping on looking for stratagems which allow him to satisfy his hunger. On his way he runs into Sarchiapone, his looney countryman, barber and violin scraper, on the run because he has cheated a gangster. They handle together many vicissitudes in order to earn some money to buy something to eat. In the meanwhile, Mary and Joseph are travelling looking for a place in which waiting for Baby Jesus' birth, pursued by Plutone, Lord of underworld, and the four little devils in his service.
Sezione VI di Mauro Caiano (Ita, 2007, 20') Ven 13 h 17.36
di Pupi Avati (Ita, 1976, 110')* mer 9 h 14,30 A mad artist commits suicide in village in the Ferrara hinterland after having painted a grotesque fresco depicting the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian witnessed by two leering figures. Years later, hoping to develop tourism in the locality, the villagers reckon that this fresco by Buono Legnani could be a good attraction, so they entrust the local would-be painter Stefano with the restoration of the mural.
Sezione VIII di Nicolangelo Gelormini (Ita, 2008, 7') Sab 13 h 19.40
There are two brothers, Michele and Lorenzo, the first one is a dog lover and is a Labrador dogs’ trainer, the second one loves jazz and is a musician. They also have a very different character, Michele is a curmudgeon and a ruder man, while Lorenzo is more communicative and positive. They live alone in their parents’ home in Rome, because their father, a businessman, has gone abroad. Suddenly they learn their degenerate father is in Morocco and he sold the house where they live. Angry, surprised and disappointed they decide to go on the road and go to Morocco looking for their lost father.
The "Cella Zero" is an empty room in Naples prison, where, according to those who have gone through the experience, inmates are brought to be beaten by prison officers. In some cases even fatally. For the first time, former detainees have publicly recounted their personal experience of violence in the prison. Federico Perna died in Naples prison on 8 November 2013. The official autopsy cited ischemia as the cause of death. But his mother Nobila does not accept this. The body of the thirty-four year bore visible signs of beatings.




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