
Un uomo, traditore seriale, è pervaso da un forte senso di colpa per aver sempre tradito sua moglie, perfino in punto di morte. Cercherà conforto nella Chiesa.
(Fra, 1943, 96')* v.o., sott. it.; Mer 10 h 16.00
One day in a vegetable plot, a black tomato called Pomy is born. He is immediately ridiculed by the other inhabitants of the garden and is sentenced to banishment. The night before the sentence is due to be enacted, he discovers the cause of his illness. When the other vegetables begin to suffer the consequences, Pomy volunteers to teach a lesson to the perpetrators and also to the "gardeners" who had expelled him.
di Sophie Marceau (Fra, 2007, 103') v.o., sott. it.; Gio 12 h 16.45




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