
To the outskirts of Khouribga, a city next to a mine of phosphate, the trains full of mineral toxic they travel night and day between the mines and the great factory, a moloch that dominates, it feeds and slowly he kills the city and its habitants. Abdou is 16yo teen-ager, serene and integrated. He doesn’t know to read and to write but it has a friend that helps him. Mbarka, his adoptive mother, is the healer of the discrict. She knows everything about magic and ancient pharmacological traditions and she is feared and respected by everybody.
The wealthy Mrs. Teasdale insists on appointing Rufus T. Firefly as the head of the small bankrupt state of Freedonia before she will continue to provide the financial support it needs. Meanwhile, the neighbouring state of Sylvania is attempting to take over Freedonia. The Sylvanian Ambassador Trentino, seeking to foment a revolution, woos Mrs. Teasdale and hires a couple of spies to dig up some dirt on Firefly.
Spain, 1980. Franco has died for five years, but the spanish transition to democracy is far from being completed, particularly in the social fabric. Pedro and Juan are the two faces of Spanish society. Both are policemen sent from Madrid to southern Spain, a poor and marshy area, to solve a "minor" case, the disappearance of two teenage sisters. Pedro and Juan are one the exact opposite othe other. The first is ideal, deeply anti-franchise, the second is brutal, uses unconventional methods and has a problematic past behind.
di Pedro Almodovar (Spa, 1987, 100') v.it.; Lun 18 h 20.30 - 22.30
 di Alessandro De Cristofaro (Ita, 2010, 20') sun 6 In the imaginary country of Klya, a law is passed: no one will ever die alone again. One day, a citizen refuses to abide by this law. His case ends up in court. The trial will change the lives of the people of Klya forever...
A boy, known in Naples as Colapesce because of his passion for the sea, is asked by the King to discover what treasures are hidden next to the three columns that support the city above the waters. On his third try Colapesce does not resurface. Amidst the tears of his friends and the grief of the king, it turns out that Colapesce, now magically transformed into a fish, has remained on the seabed to hold up the city of Naples which risks sinking because the third column is now broken.
 di Franco Bruno Vitolo (Ita, 2010, 12') Liceo Scientifico “A. Genoino” - Cava de' Tirreni tue 8 Lesson and oral test in Culture. Textbooks: Novella 2000, Stop, Grand Hotel. Subject: reality shows, fiction, TV soap operas. A kid is pulled up unprepared: the day before, instead of studying he dared to read a book. He is severely reprimanded, but this time decides to "fly away ".
Dopo una violenta discussione con la madre, Margaret, 35 anni e con una lunga storia di violenze subite e inflitte, viene sottoposta a un severo ordine restrittivo prima del processo: non le è più permesso entrare in contatto con la madre o avvicinarsi entro 100 anni. metri della casa familiare per 3 mesi. Ma questa separazione non fa che esacerbare il suo desiderio di essere più vicina alla sua famiglia e così torna ogni giorno a questa frontiera invisibile e invalicabile.
A movie directed by Antonin Peretjatko in 2016, with Vincent Macaigne, Vimala Pons, Pascal Légitimus, Mathieu Amalric, and Fred Tousch. Struggle for life is a hilarious comedy with comic influences. When the French government decides to launch winter tourism in its territories in Guyana, it dispatches the clumsy intern Marc: he must validating according to European parameters an artificial ski resor.




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