
The story begins in Milan. Lidia is married to Giovanni, a famous writer. After visiting the clinic where their longtime friend Tommaso is seriously ill, they attend a party for the launch of Giovanni's new book. The crisis in this couple's relationship is analysed through the events from morning until night. Lidia leaves the party, bored, and goes off around the city. In the evening they end up at party hosted by an industrialist who wants Giovanni to write a book about him. Lidia phones the clinic and learns that their friend Tommaso is dead.
La panda racconta, in un modo semplice e rustico, il disagio che procurano i prepotenti in questa società, stess disagio che subisce la popolazione dalla malavita organizzata.
In alto sull'altopiano tibetano, tra valli inesplorate e inaccessibili si trova uno degli ultimi santuari del mondo selvaggio, dove vive una fauna rara e sconosciuta. Due uomini esplorano la natura selvaggia d'alta quota del Tibet con molte telecamere, filmando la fauna selvatica da una distanza rispettosa e cercando il raro leopardo delle nevi.
Modena, San Cataldo district. The Caritas Open Door centre is located between the cemetery and the railway tracks. Guests are offered full board; the average length of stay is six months. Each user works voluntarily in exchange for hospitality. A small community with shared tasks. Every day provides a chance for people to redefine themselves, to shape a new identity, to not to let themselves go. The centre thus becomes a place frozen in time and space, and the human stories a metaphor for of an immediate and subterranean present.
di Mara D'Onofrio e Marina Loi (Ita, 2007, 15') Ven 15 h 18.15; Mar 19 h 16.00
Roberto, un anziano sarto, prossimo alla morte, deve fare i conti con il suo passato, attraverso una persona misteriosa che incontra durante una delle sue passeggiate in riva a un lago.
An actress without much professional fortune test the limit of his histrionic ability and turns, for exceptional circumstances in audiovisual director. In this role she will film an incredible faked documentary about prostitution in Cuba including herself in the protagonists. This brings dangers and consequences very difficult to manage.
di Francesco Di Lella (Ita, 2005, 30') Mer 13 h 20.10, Dom 17 h 17.25




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