
The Irish sailorman Michael O’Hara meets Elsa, a fascinating blonde, while he’s traveling on a horse carriage. Later on, Michael hears the woman calling for help, because of an assault of three thugs and he saves her and accompanies her home. He finds out that her husband Arthur Bannister is a rich and famous lawyer. Arthur designates Michael to take him, his wife and a business partner on a yacht, first to Acapulco and then to San Francisco. Michael and Elsa have an affair. Bannister’s business partner, Grisby, wants to go and live far from the business world, on a desert island.
After suffering a stroke that has left his face in a paralysed grimace, elderly Neapolitan singer Carmine is now wheelchair bound for life. His dream and goal is to return at any cost to the theatre where he inherited the mantle of the future of Neapolitan song. The biggest obstacle to overcome, however, will be his sister Nina.
Marco, un ragazzo di 25 anni, si sveglia improvvisamente in una stanza quadrata con pareti bianche, senza una porta, una finestra o una via d'uscita; cerca di scappare, ma il suo tentativo fallisce sempre.
Marco racconta delle sue giornate ad Alice, in cerca di risposte sulla sua scarsa integrazione sociale ed il suo volersi estraniare. Chiede poi consiglio ad Alice su come farsi notare da una ragazza di cui dice di esser invaghito.
A chance encounter between a lawyer and a renowned scholar at a Dracula convention inflames the horrifying memories of the former, involving cats, dark presences and haunted rooms.
I social networks possono rappresentare l’ennesimo pretesto per giustificare l’assurda violenza su una ragazza.
di Antonietta Rivellini (Ita, 2009/2010, 7') Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore “Telesi@” – Telese Terme, mer 9 The protagonist dreams of a return to a new "Belle Epoque" that will herald change under the banner of optimism.




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