
A man walks with some flowers – a sad routine he enacts in a land marked by the silence of death.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1976, 81') sab 5 h 18,20 – 20,20 v.o. sott.it. Antek Gralak has just been released from prison. He leaves his home town of Krakow and gets work on a building site in Silesia, All he wants are the simple things in life: work, somewhere clean to sleep, food, a wife, television and peace. Anxious to avoid conflicts and happy to be alive and free, he is friendly with his colleagues and open-hearted and grateful to his employer. He finds a girl and gets married, but conflicts at work prove inevitable.
di Carlo Durante e Federico Lodoli; Ven 12 h 21.00
di Carlo Durante e Federico Lodoli; Ven 12 h 21.00
(Ita, 1996, 125'); Lun 15 h 16.00
(Ita, 1996, 125'); Lun 15 h 16.00
di Renza Pasquale (Ita, 2010, 13') Liceo Classico “A. Rosmini” – Palma Campania, gio 10 At the beginning of the twentieth century a group of Neapolitans leave the port for America, stricken with doubts, worries and homesickness. Many years later on the same jetty, immigrants from distant lands disembark, with the same sentiments and many dreams.




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