
Sometimes emotions can become confused and confusing, and can even become completely inverted. Thus, the first love of a boy for a girl in his class makes him perceive things strangely and begins to evoke ancestral fears.
After eight years, a teenager disappeared during an excursion is identified by his mother in a juvenile center and taken home. Affected by a strong amnesia, the boy does not remember anything of the incident and his past, despite finding a family deeply marked by his disappearance. And so the doubts begin to creep about the identity of this person: it is a phoney? And what is the truth about that tragic event of many years before?
Rosa is an unhappy and sulky prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, an avid fan of Sara Montiel who turns her daily life in a hell. Living in a poor apartment with very little money, Rosa spends the days with Antonia and Carlos, a transgender prostitute who lives in the same corridor that them that has the nickname Lupita. The lives of them three change the day that Masha, a Russian prostitute of the same corridor, dies by overdose. Lyuba, the 7yo daughter of Masha she’s now alone worried the Police she take her away.
Sezione V di Luca Liguori (Ita, 2008, 5') Dom 14 h 19.40
di Valerio Zurlini (Ita, 1968, 102')3 Mer 10 h 21.30*
di Andrea Molaioli (Ita, 2007,95') Lun 9 h 20.15
Middle school student Denise is an introverted girl who is mocked by her classmates because of her family problems and her shyness. The school play might just be her chance of redemption.
Peng è una pop star viziata dalla Cina. Quando viene a Roma per uno spettacolo, incontra la giovane Manman, una ragazza semplice con un grande sogno: diventare una famosa chef.




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