
di Sameh Zoabi (Pal/Isr/Fra, 2011, 80') Martedì 25 h 20,40 Institut Français Napoli - Sala Dumas While young Jawdat just wants to have fun with his friends, talk on his mobile phone, go to university and win the hearts of Muslim, Christian and even Jewish girls – almost impossible desires in a place where politics and traditional values are dominant - his father Salem fights a fierce battle for the knocking down of a huge repeater antenna installed his orchard, which he thinks is poisoning his olives and all the village.
On a winter's night in San Sebastian, musical group leader Jota is considering suicide. Unfortunately he knocks down a girl, Ella, and takes her to hospital. The girl emerges with amnesia. He passes himself as her husband so as to have a new life. Almost a reference to Michelangelo Antonioni's The Passenger, where Jack Nicholson changes identity to start a new life.
Sezione VIII di Barbara Rossi Prudente (Ita, 2008, 55') Sab 13 h 20.10
E se un odiato parente in punto di morte ti proponesse la più ricca delle eredità?
A Napoli, all’Arenile Sermoneta, affacciati sul Vesuvio, sopravvivono alcuni tra gli ultimi maestri d’ascia del Golfo. D’estate, nel caos del centro città, lavorano alle imbarcazioni in legno da varare per la stagione estiva. Umberto Ciuffetti lì è di casa: cliente assiduo, non manca giorno che non passi dal cantiere a controllare l’avanzamento dei lavori alla sua barca, ma nessuno sembra ascoltare le sue richieste e portare avanti i lavori.
Paris, May 2012. An important event is going on in Rue de Solferino and television journalist Laetitia must be present. The French Socialist Party has its headquarters in that street but Laetitia is divorced with two children and has to get a babysitter. Vincent, Laetitia's ex-husband and father of the girls, has a legal right to see his daughters that day. But she refuses to let it happen and convinces a neighbour to keep Vincent at bay. Meanwhile, the politician François Hollande wins his battle but the couple can't communicate.
Story shows the genesis of the career and the rise of Esther the most beloved actress of most popular theater in Havana at the turn of the 19th century.
Un uomo racconta di quando un giorno, in una stazione, il suo sguardo attento venne catturato da un ragazzo, che pareva aspettare l’arrivo del treno come tanti altri pendolari, ma in cui nota un atteggiamento atipico rispetto al solito clima di attesa. Parlando incuriosito con lui, scopre che il suo viaggio ha come meta la ricerca di una nuova idea di bellezza, differente da quella asettica e omologante imposta dalla società: la bellezza che sta cercando è quella propria di tutti, della diversità e della spontaneità della vita comune.
Mattia has just moved to a new school, where he is picked on by his classmates. Only Sofia seems to understand the newcomer. What she finds to be of help, however, is a film she has seen many times, and which has an important message: Grease.




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