
di Domenico Natella (Ita, 2006, 21') Sab 16 h 18.35; Mer 20 h 16.20 Four friends get together…. A comedy about freedom of speech, friendship, confronting prejudice and being willing to accept the differences of others.
E l'annuncio diceva: "questo apparecchio, inventato dai fratelli Auguste e Louis Lumiére, permette di registrare, attraverso una serie di prove istantanee, tutti i movimento che, in un lasso di tempo prestabilito, si sono avvenuti davanti l'obiettivo, e di riprodurre poi questi movimenti, proiettandoli a grandezza naturale, di fronte al grande pubblico, attraverso immagini sullo schermo!" .
Sezione V di Matteo Scanni, Leonardo Brogioni e Angelo Miotto (Ita, 2007, 47') Gio 12 h 16.00
di Tonino Pinto (Ita, 2007, 60')*; Dom 14 h 20.00 Per concessione della RAI – Speciale TG1
di Tonino Pinto (Ita, 2007, 60')*; Dom 14 h 20.00 Per concessione della RAI – Speciale TG1
Based on Goffredo Parise’s novel, written in 1979 but published posthumous in the Nineties. Carlo and Silvia, a couple married for twenty years, get a separation. Despite it, they’re still close to each other in a certain way. He has a lover while his wife lives serenely in their old apartment. But when Silvia meets a young man with Nazi inclinations and starts a relationship, it ignites Carlo’s jealousy that badly reacts to the fact that she has a lover too now. Cruel and very realistic.
In a small tourist town of Versilia, in the north of Tuscany, squeezed between rural traditions and a sumptuous high society, an unusual meeting between two women takes place: an old lady with ancient ancestral powers and a young girl who would like to become her magic heiress.




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