
di Giovanni Romito (Ita, 2010, 10') Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore “F. De Sanctis” – Napoli, mer 9 During their Latin lesson, a group of school kids see a strange city appear on the classroom blackboard. After consulting an ancient text, they gather before the church of Santa Maria in Portico, where a blind old woman invites the kids "to look". The woman guides them to a part of their school where the "bella´mbriana" – the kindly resident spirit – cries...
Dora è una giovane di 25 anni con un carattere all’apparenza ruvido ed impenetrabile che lavora portando la spesa a domicilio, un lavoro molto pesante. Non si tratta dell'unica difficoltà della sua vita però, in quanto proviene da una famiglia disastrata. Sua madre Lia è una donna instabile ed inaffidabile, da poco uscita di prigione. I suoi fratellini gemelli Massimo e Nunzio sono stati affidati ad una famiglia per l'inadeguatezza di sua madre.
Sezione II di Andrea Lepore (Ita, 2007, 8') Lun 9 h 19.29, Ven 13 h 18.59
As in Hiroshima, there is a man and a woman, both nameless. As they glide around a plush villa-hotel, the man claims to have had a brief affair with the woman the previous year, but she denies it. The game played with matches in the film became fashionable in the salons of the upper middle classes. The rock band Blur made a black and white video completely inspired by the film, for their single To the End in 1994. Traces of the film's influence can also be seen in Kubrick's The Shining and David Lynch's Inland Empire.
Sezione I di Emanuele Tammaro e Mauro Ascione (Ita, 2009, 5') Mer 10 h 19.50
(Fra, 1983, 85') v.o., sott. it.; Ven 12 h 20.30
(Fra, 1983, 85') v.o., sott. it.; Ven 12 h 20.30
di Alberto Rondalli (Ita, 2007, 107') Gio 12 h 19.00; Ven 13 h 22.00
Sergio is a taxi driver in Naples. Under an incessant downpour of rain, he ferries his customers around a city that looks ever more dilapidated and depressed. At the same time he is trying to come to terms with the death of his brother who had gone to Tibet ten years before and never came back. Among the passengers who come and go are a singer, a radio presenter, an old uncle and other characters who each bring reminders of the departed brother. And so Sergio drifts, borne away by taxi and memories as well as the music he made with his brother.




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