
Newly married couple Juliette and a ship captain Jean struggle through marriage as they travel on the L'Atalante along with the captain's first mate Le père Jules and a cabin boy.
Quando una madre single viene a conoscenza di un attacco terroristico a Londra, cerca disperatamente di contattare suo figlio, che vive e studia nella capitale britannica
di Fabiola Catapano (Ita, 2010, 5') ven 11 The slow progress of the funicular train and its atmosphere become an instance of reflection for Nenè, who, by the end of the short journey, will have learned which way to turn the wheel of fortune.
A group of friends go on a boat trip to Lisca Bianca in the Aeolian Islands. Anna does not seem to be having fun like the others; she is touchy and prone to mood swings. When she mysteriously disappears, her architect partner Sandro and friend Claudia begin to look for her. Days go by; the pair become close and give in to the temptation of making love, both in their own way being unfaithful to Anna. They arrive in Taormina where their friends are gathered. Not having found Anna, it seems clear to Claudia that their relationship has become official.
The Swiss Guard at the time of Pope Francesco . Leo and Rene are respectively a forester and one of themes relating to theology student , who decided to join the Pontifical bodyguard born in the era of Julius II . Leo is a simple boy , happy to do a formative experience in the Eternal City . René she is a Catholic intellectual who wants to understand : what it means to wear the ' 500 dress in our day? Being part of a colorful but in many ways anachronistic military corps , especially in relation to a figure " revolutionary " as that of the Holy Father came from far away ?
2012 year of the technical government Monti. Francesca (Daniela Poggi) 59enne is a worker in age of retirement but with no income. She takes care of the nephew, Mary (Carlotta Bazzu) a teenager who despises the misery she suddenly pours with her grandmother. Without finding any solution to his bad economic condition, Francesca ends up begging in Piazza della Repubblica in Rome, in front a sign that identifies her. Passers are struck by the image of the woman who, despite the gesture she does now, keeps the appearance of a distinct person.




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